This is a Rastafarian gem that lay hidden to many until the correct artist was ascribed to it. Although Count Ossie was known in England during the early days of the Blue Beat label from his cut Carolina with the Folks Brothers, it wasn't until a wider appreciation of the Rastafarian faith in the 1970s that his name really gained a larger and more focused following, by which time this record, along with what the label and what it represented, had passed into history. A continuous demand for the new on behalf of a perpetually unsatisfied public, both necessary and damaging, is perfectly suited to the pan capitalist/Neo liberal paradigm of 'old is bad new is good'. The creative 'drive' and the desire on behalf of some to find new and unanticipated ways to combat the ever increasing powers of control and userage the corporate capitalist and political systems exert on the consumers of their products is set in a perpetual tail biting struggle with the corporate/political position of sit back and let the workers/consumers do the creative leg work while, all the time, they are validating the concept of the new (i.e. better future).